December 13, 2016 Organizational Meeting

The December 13, 2016 Organizational meeting of the Honorable Clay County Board was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Sheriff Myers.

The roll was called: Present: Ted Whitehead, Janice Brooks, Jeremy Wildbur, John Weidner, Chris Rinehart, John Bayler, David Johnson, Joe Gilliland and Mary McCollough.

Absent: Brad Harris, Joe Goodman, Bryan Knapp and Barb McGrew.

County Clerk Brenda Britton opened the floor for nominations for County Board Chairman.

John Bayler, seconded by Joe Gilliland, nominated Ted Whitehead for Board Chairman.


John Weidner nominated Chris Rinehart for Board Chairman.


With two nominations on the floor, Board Member Chris Rinehart withdrew his name for consideration.


There being no further nomination, Ted Whitehead was declared Board Chairman by acclamation.


Chairman Whitehead then called for nominations for Vice Chairman. Mary McColloug, seconded by

Jeremy Wildbur, nominated Chris Rinehart for Vice Chairman.


There being no further nominations, Chris Rinehart was declared Vice Chairman by acclamation.


Board Chairman recessed the meeting to confer on committee appointments. Time: 5:35 p.m.


Chairman Whitehead reconvened the meeting to announce committee appointments. Time: 5:40 p.m.


Motion by Dave Johnson, seconded by Mary McCollough, to ratify the Chairman’s following committee appointment:

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