November 13, 2014 Meeting Minutes

The November 13, 2014 meeting of the Honorable Clay County Board was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Sheriff Andy Myers.


The Pledge to the flag was led by Sheriff Myers.


The blessing was led by Brad Harris.


The roll was called: Present: Sue Pettit, Chairman, Mike Spitzner, Brad Harris, Joe Goodman, , Janice Brooks, Thomas Butcher, John Weidner, Chris Rinehart, Bryan Knapp, Ted Whitehead, Ron King, David Johnson, Mike Rinehart, and Mary McCollough


Absent: None


Chairman Pettit acknowledged guest and there were no agenda changes.


Chairman Pettit recognized and thanked outgoing board members Tom Butcher and Ron King for their contributions and service to the County Board.


Sheriff Myers reported on staff changes due to a deputy vacancy at the Sheriff’s Department. Robert Sturm was introduced as a full time Correctional Officer, effective 11-23-2014, going from part time to full time. Additionally, Sheriff Myers introduced Adam Cartright, as a newly appointed Deputy Sheriff, having served previously as a full time Correctional Officer. Clerk Britton swore Cartright in as Deputy Sheriff, effective 11-23-2014.


Motion by Tom Butcher, seconded by Brad Harris, to approve the agenda as it stands. Motion Carried. voice action.


Motion by Janice Brooks, seconded by Mary McCollough, to approve the County Board minutes of October 14, 2014. Motion carried, voice action.


Motion by Mike Rinehart, seconded by Brad Harris, to approve the action of the Claims Committee for paid and unpaid claims, except for Hospital Claims. Motion carried.


Claims Committee Chairman Mike Rinehart expressed his concerns with the Hospital Cash Management Plan and still feels the Claims Committee needs to have the actual claims in hand to be able to verify. Additionally, Rinehart noted that the Hospital Cash Management Plan states that FOIA Requests are to be processed by the HR Department and his understanding is that an outside law firm is now handling such requests.

Motion by Bryan Knapp, seconded by Ron King, to approve paid and unpaid claims for the Clay County Hospital. Motion Carried. 11 Yes 3 No


The motion on the table by Mike Rinehart, seconded by Mary McCollough to approve all other paid and unpaid claims for the County. Motion Carried.


Jeff Workman, Clay County Health Department, presented the Board of Health Report in written form. Additionally, Workman reported a requirement of the In Person Counselor Grant requires extensive Cyber Liability Insurance. Workman was able to acquire the coverage for the Health Department and the Courthouse, paid through grant monies. Questions arose regarding the recent hacking of the voice mail system at the Courthouse and how valuable this coverage will be in future.


Sheriff Myers presented the Sheriff’s Department Report in written form. Additionally, Myers updated the board on the construction progress at the jail.


Motion by Tom Butcher, seconded by Ted Whitehead, to go to closed session for the following purpose: The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees of the public body (5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1). Time: 6:20 p.m. Motion carried, voice action.


Motion by Brad Harris, seconded by Mary McCollough, to return to open session. Time: 6:25 p.m. Motion carried, voice action.


The closed session was for informational purposes only, no action taken once returning to open session.


The Probation Department Report was available in written form.


The Circuit Clerk’s Report was available in written form.


The County Treasurer’s Reports were available in written form.



Motion by Ron King, seconded by Tom Butcher, to adopt the 2015 County Motor Fuel Tax Maintenance Resolution (BLR 14220) in the amount of Four Hundred Twenty Five Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($425,000).  Motion carried.


Illinois Department of Transportation

County Maintenance Resolution

Resolved, by the County board of Clay County, that $425,000.00 is appropriated from the Motor Fuel Tax allotment for the maintenance on county or State highways and meeting the requirements of the Illinois Highway Code, and be it further

Resolved, that maintenance sections or patrols be maintained under the provision of said Illinois Highway Code beginning January 1, 2015 and ending December 31, 2015, and be it further

Resolved, that the County Engineer/County Superintendent of Highways shall, as soon as practicable after the close of the period as given above, submit to the Department of Transportation, on forms furnished by said Department, a certified statement showing expenditures from and balances remaining in funds authorized for expenditure by said Department under this appropriation, and be it further

Resolved, that the County Clerk is hereby directed to transmit two certified copies of this resolution to the district office of the Department of Transportation.

State of Illinois   )s

Clay County         )s

I, Brenda Britton, County Clerk, in and for said County, in the State aforesaid, and keeper of the records and files thereof, as provided by statute, do hereby certify the foregoing to be a true, perfect and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the County Board of Clay County, at its November 13, 2014 meeting held at Louisville, IL on November 13, 2014.

In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County at my office in Louisville in said County, this 13th day of November A.D. 2014.

(Seal)   County Clerk


Regional Engineer

Department of Transportation



Motion by Janice Brooks, seconded by Dave Johnson, to approve Bridge Aid Petition 14(09-5) in Pixley Township. Motion carried, voice action.





TO:         County Board of Clay County, Illinois

I request aid in the construction of Bridge Aid Project No. 14(09-4) in the Township of Pixley, Clay County, Illinois, and in support thereof submit the following:


Name of Structure:                         Kessler Culvert


Estimated Project Cost:                 $2,800.00

Location of Works:                          Mayflower Rd, near the Southwest (SW) Corner of the NW (NW ¼) of                                                                                                       Section 34. T4N-R8E of the 3rd PM,; Clay County, IL on TR-380 over Ditch.


Existing Structure:                           Deteriorated CMP culvert.


Construction Proposed:                                Remove existing structure and replace with a 30” diameter pipe

Culvert with aggregate backfill.


Type of Traffic:                                  Farm to market. This is a Motor Fuel Tax

Section (TR-380) and a necessary artery for traffic. It is both a

School bus route and U.S. mail route.


The construction of the project shall be by the Clay County Highway Department, and per the resolution of the Clay County Board approved November 13, 2014


The division of costs are estimated as follows:


County (50%)                     Township (50%)                               Total

Construction                                      $1,400.00                             $1,400.00                                             $2,800.00


A portion of the County’s share of the project will be provided by in-house labor and equipment rental costs.


I request you to issue certification of expediency for this project and appropriate the sum of $1,400.00 for its completion from County Bridge Funds available for such purpose. The township will appropriate the sum of $1,400.00 for use in this project.


Respectfully submitted,



Pixley Township Road Commissioner


Approved by the Clay County Board

This 13th day of November, 2014


Approved this 13th day of November, 2014

____________________________                                                     _________________________________

Clay County Clerk                                                                                             Clay County Engineer




County Engineer Mike Quandt presented the Highway Department Report in written form. Additionally, Quandt reported on a mold issue at the Highway Maintenance Building and remediation by ServPro.


Motion by Tom Butcher, seconded by Janice Brooks, to approve the appointment for the following health professionals:


Initial Appointments:

Vincent Hsu, MD                                              Provisional Courtesy Anesthesia

Steven Roodman, MD                                   Provisional Associate Anesthesia

Eric Nordsieck, MD                                          Provisional Courtesy Internal Medicine

David Blue, CRNA                                             Provisional Allied Health Anesthesia



Shanmugam Lakshmanan, MD                   Courtesy Surgery

Todd Anderson, MD                                       Courtesy Teleradiology

Charles Neal, MD                                             Courtesy Radiology

Bruce Linder, MD                                             Courtesy Radiology

Mark Stern, MD                                                                Courtesy Internal Medicine

Larry lambert, MD                                           Courtesy Teleradiology

Susan Mack, APN                                             Specified Professional Affiliate

Lisa Sasso, MD                                                   Courtesy Orthopedic Surgery

Casey Muehle, MD                                         Courtesy Radiology

Tamara Boore, MD                                          Courtesy Radiology

David Alexander, MD                                     Courtesy Radiology

David Mooth, MD                                            Active Emergency Medicine

Leo Frank Hettiger, OD                                  Courtesy Ophthalmology

Marc Apostol, MD                                           Courtesy Teleradiology

Motion carried, voice action.



Motion by Bryan Knapp, seconded by Janice Brooks, to authorize the State’s Attorney to prepare a Corporate Resolution to remove Jerry Britton and Darla Hout from the Clay County Hospital Banking and Investment accounts and to add Chelsea Musgrave and Ted Whitehead. Motion Carried. (13 – Yes, Whitehead – Abstain)


Amanda Goosetree, CCH President, provided information regarding the recommendation of the Clay County Hospital’s attorney, for Clay County to file an excise tax with zero liability in order to satisfy IRS filing requirements.


Executive Finance Committee Chairman Tom Butcher reported that Supervisor of Assessments Kevin Logan will be retiring on December 31, 2014. The committee will recommend Kindal Eastin be appointed as the new Supervisor of Assessment at the December meeting. Logan was thanked for his service to the County.


Motion by Ted Whitehead, seconded by Bryan Knapp, to ratify the Chairman’s appointment of Brad Harris to the Board of Health, term ending December 1, 2015. Motion carried, voice action.


Motion by Brad Harris, seconded by Chris Rinehart, to ratify the Chairman’s appointment of Galen Lueking to the Board of Health, term ending December 1, 2017. Motion carried, voice action.


Motion by Ron King, seconded by Tom Butcher, to ratify the Chairman’s appointment of Paul Rose to the Board of Health, term ending December 1, 2017. Motion carried, voice action.


Motion by Joe Goodman, seconded by Brad Harris, to ratify the Chairman’s appointment of Larry Rinehart to the Board of Health, term ending December 1, 2017. Motion carried, voice action. (Yes – 13, Mike Rinehart – Abstain)


Chairman Pettit notified that in December, a Reorganizational Meeting of the Board will begin at 5:30. Clerk Britton will open the meeting asking for nominations for Chairman of the Board. Voting will be done by hand and then a Vice Chairman will be elected in a like manner. The new Chairman will be making committee appointments. Chairman Pettit noted she does not wish to continue as Chairman of the Clay County Board.


Under Unfinished Business, Board Member Brad Harris asked for clarification on handling the Hospital Unpaid and Paid Claims. A brief discussion ensued on options and with final outcome requesting the State’s Attorney for an opinion on the matter at the December meeting.


Motion by Tom Butcher, seconded by Bryan Knapp, to recess the November meeting. Time: 7:00 p.m. Motion carried, voice action.


Motion by Tom Butcher, seconded by Brad Harris, to reconvene the September meeting. Time 7:00 p.m. Motion carried, voice action.


Motion by Tom Butcher, seconded by Ron King, to adopt the County Corporate Tax Levy in the amount of $439,950.00, not to exceed $.37 on the $100.00 valuation. Motion Carried.


Motion by Ron King, seconded by Bryan Knapp, to adopt the County Highway Tax Levy in the amount of $136,500.00, not to exceed $.10 on the $100.00 valuation. Motion Carried.


Motion by Bryan Knapp, seconded by Dave Johnson, to adopt the Special Tax for County Highway Purposes Levy in the amount of $113,704.50, not to exceed $.0833 on the $100.00 valuation. Motion Carried.

Motion by Dave Johnson, seconded by Joe Goodman, to adopt the County Bridge Tax Levy in the amount of $68,250.00, not to exceed $.05 on the $100.00 valuation. Motion Carried.


Motion by Joe Goodman, seconded by Mike Rinehart, to adopt the County Matching Tax Levy in the amount of $69,160.00, not to exceed $.05 on the $100.00 valuation. Motion Carried.


Motion by Mike Rinehart, seconded by Brad Harris, to adopt the County Mental Health Tax Levy in the amount of $24,000.00, not to exceed $.025 on the $100.00 valuation. Motion Carried.


Motion by Brad Harris, seconded by Mary McCollough, to adopt the Workmen’s Compensation Insurance Tax Levy in the amount of $60,000.00, at the full, fair cash value. Motion Carried.


Motion by Mary McCollough, seconded by John Weidner, to adopt the Unemployment Insurance Tax Levy in the amount of $20,000.00, at the full, fair cash value. Motion Carried.


Motion by John Weidner, seconded by Ted Whitehead, to adopt the IMRF Tax Levy in the amount of $648,900.00, at the full, fair cash value. Motion Carried.


Motion by Ted Whitehead, seconded by Mike Spitzner, to adopt the Social Security Tax Levy in the amount of $278,250.00, at the full, fair cash value. Motion Carried.


Motion by Mike Spitzner, seconded by Janice Brooks, to adopt the County Insurance Tax Levy in the amount of $222,870.00, at the full, fair cash value. Motion Carried.


Motion by Janice Brooks, seconded by Chris Rinehart, to adopt the County Cooperative Extension Service Tax Levy in the amount of $52,500.00, not to exceed $.05 on the $100.00 valuation. Motion Carried.


Motion by Chris Rinehart, seconded by Sue Pettit, to adopt the Public Hospital Maintenance Tax Levy in the amount of $1,000.00, not to exceed $.05 on the $100.00 valuation. Motion Carried.


Motion by Sue Pettit, seconded by Tom Butcher, to adopt the Public Health Tax Levy in the amount of $95,650.00, not to exceed $.07 on the $100.00 valuation. Motion Carried.


Motion by Tom Butcher, seconded by Ron King, to adopt the Mentally Deficient Persons Tax Levy in the amount of $34,000.00, not to exceed $.10 on the $100.00 valuation. Motion Carried.


Motion by Ron King, seconded by Bryan Knapp, to adopt the County Ambulance Service Tax Levy in the amount of $23,200.00, not to exceed $.04 on the $100.00 valuation. Motion Carried.


Motion by Bryan Knapp, seconded by Dave Johnson, to adopt the Care of Tuberculosis Patients Tax Levy in the amount of $37,700.00, not to exceed $.032 on the $100.00 valuation. Motion Carried.


Motion by Tom Butcher, seconded by Bryan Knapp, to adjourn the September 9, 2014 meeting. Time: 7:10 p.m. Motion carried, voice action.


Motion by Mike Spitzner, seconded by Brad Harris, to reconvene the November meeting. Time: 7:10 p.m. Motion Carried. Voice Action.

Motion by Tom Butcher, seconded by Ron King, to adjourn the November meeting. Time: 7:10 p.m. Motion carried, voice action.



Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the County Board:

Your Committee on Paid Claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the Clerk be directed to issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for the several amounts allowed, as follows, to wit:


  1. Names of Claimants                        For What                                                                                  Amount of Claim

1              AMEREN CIPS                                    PROB, JAIL, CH, HWY-UTILITIES                                                                  746.88

2              AYERS, JAMIE                                    JAIL- PHONE, SHERIFF- OT                                                                            223.87

3              BALLARD, CRYSTAL                          CIRCUIT CLK- MISC                                                                                          113.63

4              BARBECK COMMUNICATION      SHERIFF- INCIDENTAL EXPENS                                                                    29.96

5              BRIGHT, BARRY                                 COURTS- ATTY FEES FOR INDIGENTS                                                       9182.12

6              BRITTON, BRENDA                           Co CLK- SUPPLIES, CO BOARD SEC FEES, ELECTION- MISC                               1012.49

7              BORRIES, ART                                    REPAIRS TO CO BLD                                                                                         1250.00

8              BYERS PRINTING COMPANY        CIR CLK- SUPPLIES                                                                                           716.71

9              BYRD, ASHTON                                  JAIL –PHONE, SHERIFF- OVERTIME                                                           178.19

10           CARTRIGHT, ADAM                         JAIL- UNIFORMS                                                                                              52.00

11           CASH, HARVEY                                  SHERIFF- INCIDENTAL EXPENS                                                                    58.90

12           CELLULAR ONE                                  ESDA- PHONE                                                                                                    41.19

13           CHETS ELECTRIC                                CH- EQUIP MAINT, IMPROVMENTS TO CO BUILDING                      862.88

14           CHILDERS, JEREMY                           SHERIFF- SALARIES OF DEPUTY, JAIL- PHONE                                       7875.98

15           CIT                                                          CH RECORDS- DEBT RETIRMENT                                                                 87.88

16           CITY OF FLORA                                  ESDA- TRAINING, RENT                                                                                 588.60

17           CLAY CO COALITION                       CO MENTAL HEALTH PROGRAM                                                                                2000.00

18           CLAY CO PROBATION OFFICE      CO MENTAL HEALTH PROGRAM                                                                                2000.00

19           COCHRAN, CECIL                              SHERIFF- INCIDENTAL EXPENS                                                                    52.67

20           COLCLASURE, DERRICK                  JAIL- OVERTIME, TRAINING                                                                         308.54

21           COLLINS, MARY BETH WELCH      COURTS- ATTY FEES FOR INDIGENTS                                                       327.26

22           COMMUNICATION REVOLVING                JAIL- PHONE                                                                                                       498.55

23           COMPASS WEB                                 CH- EQUIP MAINT                                                                                           400.00

24           COMPUTYPE                                      MISC & CONTINGENCIES                                                                              75.00

25           COUNTY BOARD MEMBERS         COUNTY BOARD MEETING                                                                           3214.40

26           ELECTION SYSTEM & SOFTWARE ELECTION- SUPPLIES                                                                                     18910.91

27           FELDHAKE, MARK                            SHERIFF- OVERTIME JAIL PHONE                                                               1119.01

28           FOURTH JUDICIAL CIR JUVENILE                ST ATTY- TRAINING/ SEMINARS                                                                150.00

29           FRANK & BRIGHT FUNERAL HOMECORONER- OFFICE EQUIP EXPENS                                                       100.00

30           GFI DIGITAL                                        CH RECORD- DEBT RETIRMENT                                                                   43.67

31           GOLDBERG, STEPHEN B                 MISC & CONTIGENCIES                                                                                 1000.00

32           GREENWOOD, TOM                        BAILIFFS                                                                                                               360.40

33           GROSS, WILLIAM                             BAILIFF, JAIL- UNIFORMS                                                                             1098.48

34           GROVES, TONY                                 JAIL- OVERTIME                , UNIFORMS & TRAINING                                             434.94

35           HEUERMAN, CORY                          SHERIFF-OVERTIME, JAIL-PHONE                                                              152.41

36           HOMEFIELD ENERGY                       JAIL, CH, PROB- UTILITIES                                                                             922.82

37           IC ENTERPRISES, INC                       IMPROVEMENTS TO CO BUILDING                                                           13062.50

38           IL SECRETARY OF STATE                 CO CLK- SUPPLIES                                                                                            10.00

39           JDS                                                         JAIL- MAINT OF EQUIP                                                                                  25000.00

40           KNAPP OIL CO                                   SHERIFF- AUTO MAINT                                                                                  551.68

41           LEIB, CURTIS                                       PROB- TRAVEL                                                                                                   36.57

42           LEWIS, ELAM                                      SHERIFF- OVERTIME & AUTO MAINT JAIL- PHONE                            112.78

43           LINDA’S CLEANING SERVICE        HWY- UTILITIES                                                                                                 65.00

44           LOGAN, KEVIN                                  S OF A- TRAVEL                                                                                                 710.97

45           LOUISVILLE POSTMASTER            TREASURER-POSTAGE, TREASURER- SUPPLIES,                                  1831.32


46           MILLER OFFICE EQUIPMENT        CO CLK- OFFICE EQUIP, CIRC CLK- SUPPLIES                                         206.00

47           MILLER, WES                                      CORONER- TRAVEL                                                                                          57.41

48           MILNER, CHAD                                  JAIL-PHONE, SHERIFF- UNIFORMS                                                          164.24

49           MILONE, GARY E                              COURTS- ATTY FEE FOR INDIGENTS                                                          1028.97

50           MUNICIPLE UTILITIES                     JAIL, CH, HWY, PROB-UTILITIES                                                                  1057.01

51           MYERS, ANDY                                    JAIL- TRAINING,PHONE, SHERIFF- INCIDENTAL EXPENS                  301.03


52           MYRON                                                                CH- RECORDS SUPPLIES                                                                                 270.42

53           NACCTFO                                            TREASURER- MISC                                                                                           75.00

54           PHILLIPS, RAYMOND                      JAIL- PHONE                                                                                                       40.00

55           POWLESS, JOEL                                 COURTS- ATTY FEES FOR INDIGENTS                                                       1425.00

56           QUILL                                                    ESDA- MISC                                                                                                        151.00

57           RICHLAND COUNTY SHERIFF       JAIL- HOUSING OF ADULTS                                                                          840.00

58           RICOH                                                   SHERIFF- SUPPLIES                                                                                          125.00

59           ROSS INFORMATICS SERVICES   ELECTION- MISC                                                                                               180.25

60           SIMS, LORI                                          COURTS- OPERATION OF JUDGES OFFICE                                             279.00

61           SOUTH CENTRAL FS                         SHERIFF- AUTO MAINT                                                                                 3398.67

62           SOUTHEASTERN IL COUNSELING CO MENTAL HEALTH PROGRAM                                                              20000.00

63           SPITZNER, STEVEN                           JAIL PHONE                                                                                                        40.00

64           STRINGER, JERRY                              SHERIFF- INCIDENTAL EXPENS                                                                    58.01

65           STURM, ROBERT                               JAIL- OVERTIME                                                                                                                715.50

66           TALLADEGA CO SHERIFFS OFFICE STATES ATTORNEY- OFFICE SUPPLIES                                                   50.00

67           THOMPSON, LUPITA                      COURTS- ATTY FEES FOR INDIGENTS                                                       12243.75

68           THOMPSON, RICK                            REPAIRS TO COURTHOUSE                                                                           1250.00

69           TOLLIVER, JANA                                                TREASURER- MISC                                                                                           6.23

70           UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS EXTENCOUNTY CORP- SHARE 4H                                                                            52500.00

71           VERIZON WIRELESS                         JAIL- PHONE                                                                                                       342.09

72           WALMART                                          JAIL- DIET & CARE PRISONERS, CO BOARD- EXPENS                          494.36


73           WEIDNER, KRISTA                            PROB- TRAVEL                                                                                                   47.17

74           WOOD, STEVEN                                                JAIL- UNIFORMS                                                                                              134.18

75           WTCI                                                     CH, JAIL, HWY-PHONES                                                                                 1849.62

76           YOUNG, RONALD                             COURTS- ATTY FEES FOR INDIGENTS                                                       2007.25












  1. ACT AUTOMOTIVE                                          SHERIFF- AUTO MAINT                                                                  15.00
  2. CLAY COUNTY REPUBLICAN                         COURTS- MISC FEES FOR INDIGENTS,                                     175.45


3.           DAWKINS AUTO SALES                                  SHERIFF- INCIDENTAL EXP                                                            65.00

  1. DBS DISPOSAL                                                  JAIL & HWY- UTILITIES                                                                   225.00

5.           HEAVENS MIST BOTTLED WATER               CH- SUPPLIES                                                                                        65.00

6.           HOLKY’S PLUMBING                                       COURTHOUSE- REPAIR TO BLDG                                                                  50.00

7.           INDOFF                                                               S OF A-, ST. ATTY, PROB, CIRCUIT CLK, TREASURER           1413.80



  1. KEMPER CPA GROUP                                     BUDGET PREPARATION                                                                    200.00
  2. LOUISVILLE AUTO PARTS                              JAIL-SUPPLIES                                                                                        16.45
  3. MEAGHER SIGH & GRAPHICS                      SHERIFF-INC EXP                                                                                 244.68
  4. MIKES FOOD MARKET                                    JAIL- DIET & CARE FOR PRISONERS                                           2347.39
  5. QUILL                                                                    RECORDER MICRO- SUPPLIES                                                        157.49
  6. RAY O’HERRON CO INC                                  JAIL & SHERIFF- UNIFORMS, SUPPLIES                                        973.46

14           ROBBINS SCHWARTZ NICHOLAS                                MISC & CONTINGENCIES                                                                 1632.77

  1. SALEM TIRE                                                        SHERIFF- AUTO MAINT                                                                       617.20

16           WIN                                                                       MISC & CONTINGENCIES                                                                   87.00

  1. YOUNG’S PIT STOP PLUS                               SHERIFF- AUTO MAINT                                                                         30.00
  2. ZINK BUILDING CENTER                                CH- SUPPLIES                                                                                            31.47


TOTAL: $8,347.16






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